Since 2007, Planwest has enjoyed providing staffing services to the Humboldt Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCo). As the current Executive Officer and staff, we are very proud to be part of the significant achievements and accomplishments of the Commission. Together, we have focused on building relationships with member agencies, providing them with resources and technical assistance, and involving them in the processes of LAFCo. The range of studies that the Commission has adopted under our service reflect broad city, county and district participation. We have shifted our focus from evaluating the individual service provider to evaluating services and opportunities for restructuring at the regional level. Our work is comprehensive and includes important research not previously provided in Commission documents.
Our approach to providing staffing services is grounded in providing quality work products, responsive customer service, and collaborative problem-solving.
A description of basic duties and services is provided below:
Operations and Office Staffing
Planwest manages the day-to-day operations of the Commission, including maintaining LAFCo’s files and records, preparing technical and administrative reports and written correspondence (including agendas, staff reports, public notices, resolutions, recordings, filings, and minutes), and responding to inquiries from agency representatives and members of the public.
Planwest developed the current Humboldt LAFCo website and provides ongoing administration of website content and activities. See website here.
Planwest is committed to building strong working relationships with member agencies and the public. We understand there is limited knowledge of LAFCo’s mandated functions and responsibilities, and how state and local policies guide LAFCo decision-making. Through technical assistance, outreach and information sharing, Planwest has been able to enhance LAFCo’s role as a resource and partner to address local and regional service needs. For instance, Humboldt LAFCo is now a member of the newly-formed Humboldt Area Chapter of the California Special Districts Association, which provides a local forum for networking and information sharing. In addition, we have built a strong partnership with the Humboldt County Fire Chiefs Association and County staff to assist with sustainable fire services planning efforts throughout the County. At the state-level, we have helped to promote Humboldt LAFCo through our growing involvement with CALAFCO.
Application Processing Services
Planwest, as Humboldt LAFCo’s staff, has processed over 30 applications since 2007. Guiding applicants through the proposal development, processing, and completion process is a vital role of LAFCo staff. Planwest provides technical and policy guidance to prospective applicants early-on in the proposal development phase to help them with pre-application development and review. We notify affected and interested agencies upon receiving a proposal for a change of organization or reorganization, and we work to address questions and concerns prior to a hearing. When needed, we work with applicants to identify alternatives that address agency/residential concerns or which may more-fully comply with the considerations of the CKH Act.
Commission Meetings and Proceedings
The Planwest team includes trained facilitators that are well-versed in guiding informative, productive meetings. Public transparency, accessibility, and time-management are key to successfully administering LAFCo activities related to Commission agendas, notices, hearings, and minutes. We understand the intricacies of the Ralph M. Brown Act, the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), and the complex procedures required for different types of proposals (incorporation, annexation, detachment or consolidation) as provided in the CKH Act. We work with Legal Counsel on issues related to legislative authority, conflict of interest, complex procedures, and other issues as needed. With budget considerations in mind, as staff, we continually look for ways to support the Commission and provide a high standard of thoughtful decision-making for all LAFCo actions.
LAFCo Studies
Planwest prepares both routine and complex special studies as mandated by LAFCo statute, including municipal service reviews and spheres of influence updates. Our approach is to provide customized outreach and assistance to member agencies to increase understanding of service, governance and funding needs. Given the range of characteristics of service providers, a one size fits all approach is not always appropriate. We have greatly expanded the scope and content of service reviews, developing regional service-specific MSRs that consider shared trends relating to the adequacy, capacity, and cost of providing essential governmental services. We present our analysis in a clear format with both written determinations and supplemental tables, graphs, and spatial data to demonstrate our conclusions. The MSRs are a significant resource and have lasting value for member agencies and the public as time goes on.
Environmental Review Services
With the exception of actions to set spheres of influence, LAFCo typically serves as a Responsible Agency under CEQA. As such, the Lead Agency prepares and circulates Initial Studies, Notices of Preparation, and draft/final EIRs to LAFCo for review and comment. Prior to circulation, LAFCo staff meets with the Lead Agency and project proponent for early consultation (scoping) to provide guidance on appropriate review of potential impacts as they relate to LAFCo interests. During circulation, the LAFCo Executive Officer will provide comments to the Lead Agency regarding potentially significant effects, adequacy of mitigation measures, and related matters. In some cases, responses may be referred to the Commission for consideration prior to submittal to the Lead Agency.